OPTUS Junior Club Competition
The Optus Junior Club Competition consists of over 230 teams from Under 8 through to Under 19, catering to all levels of experience.
Two seasons are held each year - over terms 1 & 2, then terms 3 & 4. Games are played across multiple venues on Friday night (U16 & U19) and Saturday morning/afternoon (U8 - U14).
Players can get involved by joining one of our affiliated clubs or school-based teams - contact details for each are listed below. While we recommend linking up with your closest club, you are generally free to join any of your choosing. New players are able to join up until the halfway point of each season (subject to availability and eligibility rules).
Have more questions? Feel free to contact us - admin@southwestbasketball.com.au
Algester Hawks
President: Bob Collier
Cannons Southside (Calamvale area)
President: Michelle Jones
River City Hornets (Mt Gravatt area)
President: Paul Hillberg
Rochedale Wildcats
President: Rob Timms
Runcorn Rockets
President: Mark Smith
Sunnybank Hills Hurricanes
President: Toby Hasler
St. Philomena Seawolves
Coordinator: Scott McMillan
*school club - players need to be St. Philomena students
All players must register via Basketball Connect and pay any required fees prior to taking the court for each season. Your club will provide a link to go online and register for a given season.
The South West Metro fee is payable for each season and competition you register to play in.
The BQ and BA registrations are valid for 365 days and cover all competitions a player registers for in that period. If either expires during the season of a competition you are registering for then you will be required to renew.
Under 8
BQ Registration - $42.72
BA Registration - $5.50
SWM Registration - $18.00
Under 10
BQ Registration - $42.72
BA Registration - $5.50
SWM Registration - $36.00
Under 12 onward
BQ Registration - $83.92
BA Registration - $5.50
SWM Registration - $36.00
Please note that each club will also have their own fees in addition to the above.
Calamvale Community College - Hamish St, Calamvale
Hibiscus Stadium - Klumpp Rd, Upper Mt Gravatt
Mansfield SHS - Ham Rd, Mansfield
Rochedale SHS - Priestdale Rd, Rochedale
Runcorn SHS - Hill Rd, Runcorn
Any player wishing to change clubs for an upcoming season must have a transfer completed from their previous club prior to doing so. The transfer form can be downloaded here.
Transfers cannot be done mid-season, only between seasons (bar very few extenuating circumstances). Once a player has played a game for a club, including grading, they are locked to that club for the remainder of the season.