The next Sunday Night Men's competition at Hibiscus will commence on Sunday 22 April with a 3 week Grading period.
Please note: No games will be played on Sunday 6 May, as it's a long weekend.
We will then have 14 weeks of competition, followed by Semis and Finals, so 19 weeks in total.
Nominations close on Sunday 15 April, to be included from Week 1 of Grading.
Nominations will only be accepted after that date at SWM's discretion.
If you are interested in nominating a team, please email Chris at or complete the Team Nomination form and return it.
If you are interested in putting your name down to join a team, please email Chris at
All players must be registered members of South West Metro to participate. The full SWM/BQ cost is $127-50, however, if you are already registered at another Association in Qld, then only the SWM portion of registration is payable - around $66-00.
Weekly game fees are $75 per game.
A Team Bond of $75 is payable at the start of the season. If not used to cover a forfeit, it will be used as payment for the last round game's fees.